EveryLibrary California
by Mary Abler
If you've been following the world of libraries and politics, you have probably heard of EveryLibrary, the first, national political action committee (PAC) dedicated to libraries. EveryLibrary works with local ballot committees to ensure they have the resources that they need to win library measures at the ballot box, by providing funding, expertise, and logistical support to raise voter awareness. This past summer, they assisted Santa Clara County Library District to pass Measure A, extending voter-approved library funding that was set to expire for an additional 20 years. Currently, a two-thirds (AKA super) majority is required for any California library who wishes to ask its voters to extend or increase funding.
SCA7, a California bill that is under review, would reduce the current threshold for winning library ballot measures from 66% to a simple majority of 55%. This change would make it easier for libraries to win the funding that they need to be sustainable and EveryLibrary has responded by creating the first California library PAC, EveryLibrary California. Our organization will be working hand-in-hand with organizations that have helped to make this bill a reality, including the California Library Association (CLA) and California Public Library Advocates (CPLA). However, these organizations are 501(c)3 educational associations and thus cannot engage in extensive voter advocacy or fundraising for political campaigns. That's where EveryLibrary California comes in. As a ballot committee organization, EveryLibrary California can act where these associations cannot. The opportunity to fundraise and directly support a statewide library Propositions will be unique in the California library advocacy ecosystem.
Over the next year, EveryLibrary California will provide tactical and operational support to state-wide voter awareness campaigns and funding for state get-out the vote campaigns, as well as conducting direct voter advocacy in support of state-wide library propositions. We are not an organization involved in lobbying, but work to drive state-wide get out the vote campaigns. Of course, the first step to accomplishing these goals is fundraising.
There are several ways that librarians and library supporters can assist us in our efforts. The first is to become a Fan Fundraiser. Fan Fundraisers can help to raise money in any number of ways, through one-time fundraising events, outreach on social media, or direct neighborhood canvassing, and EveryLibrary California is there to assist you every step of the way. And, because we know how valuable your time is, there are incentives in the form of iPads and Kindles. We are also asking our supporters to organize letter writing parties, asking your friends and colleagues to send a letter to their senator supporting SCA7, or to send letters to the editors of local news entities, explaining how important libraries are to your communities.
I hope that you will be in touch with me if you are interested in helping EveryLibrary California in its efforts. To learn more, you can visit us on the web, and stay tuned for more updates:
Sign-up to receive ELCA updates: https://docs.google.com/a/everylibrarycalifornia.org/forms/d/1eZb7t8TPetXh57yJafdfO5IMaOo_Df5yrhTYKV_Q-fc/edit?usp=docslist_api
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Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com/everylibraryca